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Friday, March 26, 2010

Play Hard, dude

No more RSV!!!

This was a great week for Kerrington - she had her last RSV shots! Kerrington has had to get RSV shots once a month to prevent that infection. Preemies have a higher chance of getting sick because the immune system develops in the last trimester of pregnancy. Kerrington didn't make it to the last trimester, so obviously her immune system isn't what it should be. And if she does get sick then its hard for her to fight it off the way everyone else would. A little cold could put her in the hospital - which is why we don't take her anywhere. Ever. So she sees a pulmonologist (lung dr) who makes sure that she is breathing ok and to give her those terrible shots. She went on wednesday to get her last ones since cold/flu season is almost over! She doesn't have to go back until August! Yay for the Bear!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Kerrington now

Kerrington is the most amazing little baby I've ever seen. Some might say that I am partial to her, and I am. But she is amazing, and nobody can deny that! To date, she weighs about 17 pounds. She crawls like you wouldn't believe, pulls to standing, says mama, dada, baba, gaga (she's a fan of lady gaga) and AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH. :)

She has come so far, and we are almost at a year old. When I think of all the craziness that we have been through over the last year, I can only thank God for bringing us through to the other side. All the problems that she should have right now, and she doesn't have any of them. Thank you, Jesus.